Love & Celebrate
Who You are Right Now!

My name is Lorraine Mortensen, and I specialize in portrait photography for women.
I'm a wife of over 30 years and a mother of two young adults.
I'm in my late 50’s, way more curvy than I would like, and I've hidden from the camera for years.  I get it!

So, I want to photograph any woman in the world who’s ever looked at a picture of herself and not felt beautiful.
I want to photograph the woman who thinks she just not photogenic, the woman who says she’ll get
her picture taken when she loses a few pounds, the mother who looks through
her family albums and sees she is missing because she avoids the camera.

I’m on a mission to help women exist in portraits.

Love & celebrate who you are right now–for the people who love you. For your family,
for your friends, for your spouse, for yourself. I know what beauty looks like and
I can find it in EVERY woman.


photo by Alexis MacKeown